Hello. Thanks for finding me!

You are about to improve your life!

You will be thanking me after you schedule your Meditation Experience online or make the call so you can begin enjoying your life more, like I did!

I am proof that meditation can help be the GLUE that holds you together as the rest of the world rushes by.  It is the GLUE that holds you together as stress makes you crack open under pressure.

Meditation is a healing tool, a vehicle of transformation to heal from emotional wounds, physical blocks and the mental blocks that hold you back from living a peaceful, prosperous and fun life that you truly desire.

Meditation gives you the mental clarity needed to become aware and realize your true inner wisdom and power. Meditation creates a powerful mind that is capable of manifesting your greatest desires and goals.

So lets meditate together, learn some new tools and experience meditation at a whole new level! Get ready for this mind quieting experience!  This is your battery recharging time! Let’s RE-Charge!

Creator of Feel Great Meditate


  • Bachelor of Science in Teaching
  • Success Trainer of AKMF
  • Yoga Instructor EYT 500 hrs.
  • 20 Years of Experience
  • Meditation Coach
  • Spiritual Advisor
  • Author | Speaker

Reach out to Sunny and find out for yourself why so many people have benefitted from her coaching and private meditation trainings!

Contact Sunny

Sunny’s Story

sunny-classSunny has devoted her life’s path to expanding the light of true healing. It is her mission to nourish others and help them achieve their own self- realization and perfect wellness.

Sunny perfected her Meditation & Life Coaching business after writing her first self-help book, “Can You Imagine World Peace?”

After releasing her first few Relaxation CDs of her Just BREATHE Relaxation Audio Cd’s, Sunny took her first yoga class, fell in love with yoga and immediately got certified.  Sunny later studied Kundalini and Sound Healing with Judith Gabriel of Las Vegas.

Next, Sunny developed her Mind Quieting Formula for meditation classes, workshops and private sessions which have now helped thousands of minds achieve inner peace.

Sunny is an Educator, Speaker, Spiritual Advisor, Life Transformational Coach and provides many tools for Activation of Spirit and Balancing Energy within.  She provides Energy healing through Yoga, Breath-work, Kundalini, Meditation and Sound Vibrational Healing.

Sunny has also created the “RE-SET Your Life Program” for Physical and Emotional Body Cleansing for a healthier body and life.  She will help you RE-set your energy and RE-set your life.

If you are ready to take your own journey of personal growth to the next level, it helps to have a guide who has already made the trip.

Reach out to Sunny and find out for yourself why so many people have benefitted from her coaching and private meditation trainings!